is only available in Russian . A translated version of the ransom noteAttack.Ransomis available below . There are several things that stand out about this threat . The first is the humongous ransom demandAttack.Ransomit asksAttack.Ransomvictims for , which is 545,000 Russian rubles ( ~ $ 9,100 ) . This ransom demandAttack.Ransomis between 10 and 100 times over the price of some phones , and most users who ca n't remove the screen locker will instead choose to buy a new phone rather than payingAttack.Ransomthe crooks . To pay the ransomAttack.Ransom, victims have to enter their credit card number directly in the ransom screen , a technique very different from how other ransomware operators like to work , which is via Bitcoin , Tor , or gift cards . The other thing that sets this ransomware apart is the usage of the Google Cloud Messaging ( GCM ) platform , now renamed in Firebase Cloud Messaging .